
Check out everything going on in and around the Dallas Gem and Mineral Society!

Check out our Calendar of Events
Read all our newest posts on the Rok Tok Blog
And peruse our AWARD WINNING monthly Rok Tok Newsletter!!

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Events

Check out our Events Calendar. Included are DGMS Shop Hours, available DGMS classes, monthly meeting dates, and local rock sales!

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Rok Tok Bog

Postings of local events and meeting, DGMS business, fun and interesting gem and mineral information, and fantastic places that our members have visited!

Do you have an idea for a blog post? Email us and we’ll feature you on our blog!

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Rok Tok Newsletter

Every month our dedicated DGMS members put out the award winning Rok Tok Newsletter! Included is DGMS meeting information, lapidary tips and trick, and other interesting items relating to all things Rocks, Gems and Minerals!